let's see....over the years, i've acquired some mad computer golf skills....i've learned to nap sitting up.... i surf the net....stay caught up on episodes of 'the office' on nbc.com....
kidding. in reality, my day is no different than most other pastors. let's expand it to a typical work week. granted, there is an "ebb and flow" to my ministry, with some seasons being busier than others, but during an average week, I...
- pray over and plan the next few weeks of services (lots of details here alone)
- look through hundreds (often literally thousands) of songs
- listen for new worship songs
- read, study, pray
- stay caught up on email
- communicate with this weekend's team
- put together the 'tech sheet' for the service (lots of details here, too)
- chart new songs as needed
- put together the charts the band will need for the weekend service
- prepare for sunday morning's rehearsal
- visit and pray with folks in the hospital
- attend meeting(s)
- deal with administrative issues
- shepherd members of the worship ministry
- practice guitar
- allow for unexpected "interruptions" to my day
- do my best to meet the needs of the people God puts in my path
- identify and audition potential new members of the worship team