According to Variety, 'The Dark Knight' has become the fourth film to take in more than $1 billion in worldwide box office.
Warner Bros. Pictures made the announcement Friday afternoon, saying that the combined domestic and international gross had totaled $1,001,082,160 to date -- about $533 million domestically and $567 million overseas.
TDK had been about $4 million short of the 10-figure mark when Warner Bros. re-released it into IMAX screens on Jan. 23, the day after its eight Oscar nominations were announced. Grosses from Ecuador also helped nudge the film over the mark, a spokeswoman said.
Only Titanic ($1.842 billion), The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King ($1.119 billion) and Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest ($1.066 billion) have topped the billion-dollar worldwide mark previously.
TDK is now the second-highest domestic grosser of all time, trailing only Titanic.
Maybe this will help pay for my bailout...
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Friday, January 23, 2009
And So It Begins...
Earlier today, President Obama signed an executive order striking down a rule that prohibits U.S. money from funding international family-planning clinics that promote abortion or provide counseling or referrals about abortion services.*
"Not even waiting a week, the new administration has acted to funnel U.S. tax dollars to abortion providers overseas," Rep. Tom Price, R-Georgia, said in a written statement.
I'm not surprised. Disappointed, but not surprised. It's a political ping pong match. Reagan started the policy in 1984 to prevent tax dollars from being used in international abortion clinics. Clinton canceled it as one of his first acts as President in 1993. It was reinstated by President Bush in 2001. Now it's Obama's turn.
Whichever party is in power either cancels or reinstates the order, depending on their ideals. That's one of the reasons I'm a huge fan of Reagan and, yes, even a fan of George W. Bush. They upheld the rights of the unborn.
With one stroke of a pen, President Obama ordered the execution of thousands, if not millions, of unborn children. And he's using our tax dollars to fund it.
"Not even waiting a week, the new administration has acted to funnel U.S. tax dollars to abortion providers overseas," Rep. Tom Price, R-Georgia, said in a written statement.
I'm not surprised. Disappointed, but not surprised. It's a political ping pong match. Reagan started the policy in 1984 to prevent tax dollars from being used in international abortion clinics. Clinton canceled it as one of his first acts as President in 1993. It was reinstated by President Bush in 2001. Now it's Obama's turn.
Whichever party is in power either cancels or reinstates the order, depending on their ideals. That's one of the reasons I'm a huge fan of Reagan and, yes, even a fan of George W. Bush. They upheld the rights of the unborn.
With one stroke of a pen, President Obama ordered the execution of thousands, if not millions, of unborn children. And he's using our tax dollars to fund it.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Mixed Emotions
Our nation has a new president. To be honest, I still have mixed emotions.
The U.S. Flag Code clearly states: §176. Respect for flag. (g) The flag should never have placed upon it, nor on any part of it, nor attached to it any mark, insignia, letter, word, figure, design, picture, or drawing of any nature.
Psalm 146:3-4 - Do not put your trust in princes, in mortal men, who cannot save. When their spirit departs, they return to the ground; on that very day their plans come to nothing.
- I’m very proud of our country. I’m glad that we, as a nation, have finally moved past the bigotry and injustices suffered by African Americans in the 60’s. That period is a blight, a stain on our heritage. We should be embarrassed by it, thankful it is behind us and determined to never repeat it. Our country has proven that ANYONE can hold the highest office in the land and, therefore, the world. We should be very proud of that.
- No hanging chads. The '08 election was, for the most part, problem free. The nation spoke very clearly. We went to bed that night knowing the outcome. (Heck…most of us knew the outcome before repeats of “Everybody Loves Raymond” came on at 10:00 pm). Nothing like the debacle of 2000. No recounts. No lawsuits. We had a president. (A little aside, here. The electoral vote would lead us to believe that 2/3 of America voted for Obama. Not true. There were 57 million people who voted against him). He may not be the one I wanted but, like it or not, he is now my president. And Scripture says that governing authorities are instituted by God. That doesn't mean God puts them there because they are His favorite or because He approves of their character or behavior. Rather, it means that He allows them to hold positions of leadership for some greater purpose which we may or may not see or even understand.
- Finally, I’m thankful many still said 'no' to same-sex marriage. While Obama's victory was a major defeat to conservatism, several faith-backed state initiatives passed, including ballot measures banning same sex-marriage in Florida, Arizona and California. This could nullify the California Supreme Court's decision earlier this year allowing same-sex marriage. In my view, that’s a good thing and a big 'win'. I'm sure my liberal and homosexual friends will disagree. And that's fine. They are welcome to espouse their opinions on their own blogs. But here’s the thing…God, not society, has defined the boundaries of marriage. Marriage was, after all, His idea. It has always been between one man and one woman. Period. It is not a sliding scale subject to the whim of the Hollywood elite or any other special interest group.
- Obama's inexperience. Before hitting the campaign trail, he was an active member of the Senate for roughly six months. (Who becomes CEO after working for a company only six months?) Prior to that, his best resume credit was "community organizer". He's never led a town, never governed a state. Now he is the leader of the free world. Pardon me for being a bit concerned.
- He is still a radical extremist. Last February, the whole world learned that Barack Obama had spent twenty years in a racist church where 9/11 was cheered, anti-White racism was spewed and Louis Farrakhan was honored with an award. Obama distanced himself from his pastor, Jeremiah Wright, when the news broke, as if this revelation was a shock to him. Obama said he didn't agree with Wright's views. But, seriously...who in their right mind would attend a church for twenty years while listening to views every week that he disagreed with? Obama was either sleeping in the pew or he stayed because he agreed with the views expressed from the pulpit.
- Many of the people who voted for Obama cannot even articulate his policies and views. They say they wanted “change”. Good grief. Everyone wants change for the better. We're going to get change, alright. It's called socialism.

- When churches stand on the Word of God and speak out against tough issues, it will soon be regarded as hate speech. Tony Perkins, president of the powerful Washington-based lobbying group, the Family Research Council, predicted dark days ahead for the conservative Christian movement. "We are going to see, I think, unprecedented attacks against our faith through measures like the hate crimes [legislation] to the Employment Non-Discrimination Act," he said. "We're going to see attacks on innocent human life through the Freedom of Choice Act, trying to erase all the gains that have been made in the pro-life movement. And I think even our freedoms are going to come under attack."
- If Mr. Obama continues to deal with our enemies by 'talking' with them, I believe we will experience another major terrorist attack on our soil under his watch. I pray that I'm wrong. Talking to our enemies has NEVER worked. We are dealing with extremists who will settle for nothing less than seeing America and her citizens wiped off the face of the planet. I'm not crazy about war, but policies and issues are moot points if all Americans are dead.
- Believe it or not, I think history will be kind to George Bush. Look, he hasn't been perfect. Have I agreed with everything Bush did while in office? Nope. (I strongly disagreed with his stance on illegal immigration and how to secure our borders). Did I sometimes shake my head at some of his sound bytes in the media? Yep. Even laughed at them. Has he been our best president? No. But he's far from being our worst. At some point, it became politically correct to bash Bush. He is a good man who loves his country, governed according to his conscience and made decisions that he felt best served the American people. I believe history will prove him to be a better president than many of his detractors give him credit for.
- I will pray for our new President. Please join me. Whether you agree with him or not, please pray that he looks to God for strength, courage and wisdom. Pray for the safety of the Obama family. And pray for the overall health of our country.
- I will give him a chance. I agree with my friend and talk radio host, Michael DelGiorno, who said, “Let’s treat Obama better than the left treated President Bush. For crying out loud, they named sewer plants after Bush. Obama is now the President and that should change how we frame our argument. Let’s hold him accountable.”
- I will stay hopeful. The sky is not falling and I'm not bitter. I'm actually hopeful. I hope Obama leads well. I hope our economy turns around soon. I hope there are good days and exciting new chapters ahead for our country. I wish our new President nothing but success. If he is successful, we are successful. Time will tell. Some people have prospered under bad presidents and some have experienced decline under good presidents. I'm going to make my best plans for the future, work as hard as I can to provide for my family and press on. We survived eight years of Clinton. We’ll survive this, too.
Psalm 146:3-4 - Do not put your trust in princes, in mortal men, who cannot save. When their spirit departs, they return to the ground; on that very day their plans come to nothing.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
I'm Bringing Change to Washington!
Check this out. Type your name into the boxes below and then watch your name appear in this commercial. Very cool!
AARP 08 Video |
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Monday, October 20, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
The Bourne Stupidity
I may have watched my last Matt Damon film. I wish folks like this would stop espousing their views and exposing their stupidity. I don't care about your political views, Matt. Just shut up, play pretend for a living and provide me a means of escape for a couple of hours. Stick to what you're good at......which, by the way, is NOT political commentary.
Watch this brief video as he rips Sarah Palin.
Sooo....she wouldn't make a good leader because the great Matt Damon doesn't know anything about her? Assuming he's right and McCain doesn't survive his first term, I'd take President Palin over President Obama any day. Seriously...he's citing her "lack of experience in governance?" Let's see....she's been both a mayor and a governor. Matt's candidate has been neither. In fact, Obama was only an active member of the Senate for roughly six months before he hit the campaign trail. If Obama supporters would like to be taken seriously, they should start by arming themselves with the facts and the truth, rather than propaganda and drivel. They have no room to accuse any other candidate of inexperience.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Summer Olympics
In honor of the summer Olympics, here's a cool video by Paul Hunt. It's not often you see a gymnastic comedy routine.
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