Saturday, February 23, 2008

My Wild Oats

i stopped by Wild Oats marketplace (a natural food store) yesterday to pick up one hard-to-find item. it cracks me up to read the bumper stickers on cars in their parking lot. am i at a grocery store or an al gore rally? either way, i always feel like i don't belong there. i'm there so infrequently, i feel like everyone is looking at me thinking, "just another middle aged guy taking a weak stab at getting healthy". they can sense i'm an outsider because i'm never at any of their meetings. i swear i get a contact buzz every time i set foot in that place. i don't know if it's the "natural" cologne worn by some of the clientele, the aroma of the natural foods or the faint smell of hemp that hangs in the air. maybe it's a combination of all of them. either way, i always leave there feeling a stronger connection to "mother earth" and a bad case of the munchies.

maybe i'll disclose why i went to Wild Oats in a future post.

then i stopped by Sam's to pick up something we needed for dinner. there are two reasons i went to Sam's: 1) they had the exact item we needed, and 2) they are always giving away food samples. scratch that. maybe i should say, they are usually giving away food samples. not today. i walked up and down the aisles of the frozen food section hoping to score a fresh biscuit or some chicken on a toothpick, but i found nothing. no little old ladies manning their convection ovens. i mean, c'mon...if i pay $40 a year to shop there, the least they can do is offer me a free mini egg roll while i shop.

note to self: never visit Sam's immediately after going to Wild Oats. it'll only disappoint.

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