Australia Day 10 - Ward Rose Is...MacGyver!
James, Jon, Phil and I started our day at Gloria Jean’s. Lara, Donna and Tonja spent time with Sharon. Ward pulled an all-nighter with John (Cathy’s husband) at his place of work, trying to make some t-shirts. We met Ward at 11:30 am at an electronics store (very similar to Radio Shack) to purchase some lights for the church. Someone from the Thornton congregation donated $100 and FCC pitched in the rest to purchase five lights for the church. We also purchased a floor wedge so that the worship team will have a monitor.
This afternoon, Lara, Donna, Sharon and Phil put up the Christmas decorations in the church building.We have burned several “Fletcher” CD’s (with their permission) and handed them out to folks in the congregation who have asked for them. Tonja has given out several of her CD’s as well.Part of the reason Phil chose to settle in this area was because of over 9,800 people moving into Thornton North (a new estate). It’s the largest growing suburb in New South Wales. Thornton’s population is currently 3,000. In the near future, a shopping center down the street plans to expand to adjoin the church property.
We have another concert tonight at 6:30, so we rehearsed from 4:30-6:00 pm. During rehearsal, the sound system went down. Looks like we blew a fuse, probably due to adding the new monitor to the sound system. No worries, mate…Mr. Clutch (Ward) went out in search of some new fuses.
With God’s help, Ward (and James and Jon) fixed the sound system tonight in a way that would have made a MacGyver proud. Fashioning a new fuse out of only a paper clip and a wad of bubble gum……kidding. Seriously, though…we would have had no sound tonight without Ward’s creative and valiant efforts. We got started a little later than originally planned (began at 7:00 pm), but no one seemed to mind.

After the service, Phil invited everyone back to their house

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