Sunday, December 9, 2007

Australia Day 11 - Australiana BBQ

We led worship during the morning service. The people here have really embraced the Aaron Shust song, “My Savior, My God”. It was one of the songs we used that was new to them. They asked us to use that song at every service we did, except at Gloria Jean’s. Their zeal for that particular song has changed the way we view it. It will be hard to sing that song and NOT think of our Aussie family.

Eddie and Stan praying for Phil before the service
Gathering to pray before the service

Today we sang, “Blessed Be Your Name” (also new to them), “My Savior, My God”, “Joy to the World”, “Take My Life” (“Holiness, holiness is what I long for…”, requested by Phil to go along with the sermon) and “Sanctuary”.

Nigel and Erica surprised Tonja with a pair of shoes she had seen at a store earlier in the week. Tonja had debated between the blue and the black. She bought the black. Erica went to the store first thing Sunday morning and bought the blue pair as a surprise for Tonja.

We each had lunch one final time with our host families today. After lunch, Lara went to the grocery store with Sharon while Phil and I each took a “lie down” (a nap).

Janet took Donna to the beach one more time so she could spend a little more time with the ocean.

The Charles Town church has graciously granted us use of their bus to transport us to the airport on Monday.

Eddie and Moya hosted an open house for everyone today at 3:00 pm. He showed us some of the furniture and other items he made. He is an incredible craftsman.

At 5:30, we all met at the church for an “Australiana Night”. They had a traditional Barbie and put on a talent show for us, featuring:
  • Australian folks songs
  • The Traveling Dill-bury's (Phil, Stan, Graham and Eddie)
  • A slide show with some of our photos and our celebrity look-a-likes. (Ward was Al Borland, I was a tie between the Australian Prime Minister and Drew Carey, Chipper was Mr. Bean, Tonja was Dolly Parton and James and Jon were Jeff Daniels in 'Dumb and Dumber').
  • They taught Tonja to speak Australian
  • Chipper won the Australian slang contest
  • I won the vegemite eating contest! Ward almost spewed...

Chipper, James and Jon in an Aussie Slang contest
The Traveling Dill-bury's

They took turns thanking us for coming and sharing some very sweet words and even some gifts as a token of their thanks. It was unbelievably moving for all of us. Nigel and his family gave us each an Australian calendar. Kathy's dad is an artist so she gave each of us an original picture he either drew or painted. These were very close to her heart, which made them all the more special to us...and very poignant, since her dad recently suffered a stroke.

It's hope that by going on a trip like this you might be a blessing to someone and then you are the one who ends up being blessed beyond words. So much to write and so little time. We are going home sad because we are leaving family. It's time to pack up and get ready to leave. I'll write more details and post photos after I get home.

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