Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Australia Day 2 - "And the Award Goes to...Chipper Farley!"

Phil deliberately planned today to be very low key, to give our bodies a chance to acclimate to our new time zone. We went to New Castle to see a bit of the town.

After lunch at a food court with Phil and Sharon, Pete and Cathy (members of the worship team), we walked across the street to see the harbor. It rained this afternoon. Phil took us to one of his favorite coffee shops --Gloria Jean’s (sort of the Starbuck’s of Australia). Lara and I bought a couple of Australia Christmas ornaments from a department store to take home.

Still no noticeable effects of jet lag on me. I feel pretty much like normal. Chipper does too. James and Jon are tired. So are Lara and Donna.

Tonight, we attended the play presented by the church. It was an original musical written, produced and directed by Phil Barker, a member of the church. Practically every member of the church was involved in some way. It was so encouraging to see the church pull together for a common cause. In a church this size (35-40 people), there is no room for pew sitters. Everyone has to pitch in. It was well attended and everyone had a great time.

One of the actors was sick, so Chipper agreed to fill in as “Vladimir”. He had a small part and actually sang a song as part of a male trio. He did a great job! Unfortunately, none of us had a camera with us because we were planning on taking photos the next night, so we don't have a photo of Chipper. The need for Chipper to fill in popped up at the last minute.

After the play, Janet, took us for a spin to see some “Crissey lights”.

We’re learning lots of new phrases.

Most of Australia is experiencing a record drought. Every place, that is, except for Newcastle. They have have plenty of rainfall and have experienced no water shortages whatsoever.

There are some really good things happening here:
  • The people are very friendly
  • Their approach is not an “in your face” kind of an approach. They prefer to employ a more personal, one-on-one approach by building relationships with people.
  • Pete, the worship leader, is a great guy with a very teachable spirit.
  • They make the most of what they have.
  • They work together.
  • The people are very sincere.

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